Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sip, sip Hooray!

One of my favorite parts of the Holidays is (as bad as this may sound) Starbucks Peppermint mochas. 

This post isn't really to just sit here and rattle on about how delicious these things taste, but rather to get the drink some new fans. 

I first heard of these things last December from my favorite youtube beauty guru macbarbie07, and since then I've been hooked! They're without a doubt my favorite thing on the menu at Starbucks! 

They actually taste like Christmas (in my opinion ;) ), and what could be more cozy than snuggling up under warm blankets in your favorite pajamas, reading a book and sipping a Peppermint mocha a la Starbucks?

I can't think of anything! 

In conclusion, next time you're in the mood for Starbucks, give this a try!



P.S. Did I mention that my Mom,Who absolutely hates coffee, loves these? 

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